Tag Archives: rejection

A Rejection Defense-Mechanism


Another lesson learned through my time studying The Artist’s Way!  In a recent week, one of the tasks was to list people in your life who you admire (or the more negative and revealing feeling of being jealous of), why, and what that says about something you could change in your own life.  One person I listed was my best friend Heather.  Heather is a performer and she attends audition after audition, giving each her absolute all, and you know how that ends: Many result in call backs for her (because she’s super talented) but so many times, as good as she is, she isn’t cast in that particular role.  I can’t believe how many times she can put herself out there and not get cast, and then do it again and again.

So, the “why” is that she boldly faces rejection and lets it roll off her back. And what can I do in my own life?  Be brave, be persistent, and don’t let rejection cause me to stray the course.

Yesterday I wasn’t chosen to lead a project I was really excited about.  To host a big event this year is something on my goals list, as it’s been about a year since I’ve planned an event and I miss it.  So naturally, to have been passed over on this one was a disappointment.  Still, my initial reaction was, “well, something else must be waiting to take up that time I would have spent on this.”  Another event or project that is just as exciting and challenging, or more so could be just waiting in the wings.

I was reminded then of my junior year of high school.  I had been a cheerleader my sophomore year, and many of my squad-mates were my best friends.  Somehow, junior year, I wasn’t chosen to be on the squad.  I couldn’t believe it!  But it turned out that year was my last year in high school (I went to college after my junior year) and I was grateful to have had more free time to just enjoy hanging out with my friends, going to concerts, and being with my family before I moved away.

That memory reassured me that I actually do have a rejection defense mechanism already built into myself.  Remembering that, I intend to put myself out there more and hesitate less when rejection could be the end result of an effort. Call it “God has a plan,” or “on to the next thing,” or the ole door/window analogy, but either way, I’m honored to know that I’m maybe just a bit like Heather.

How have you struggled or soared in the face of rejection?