Tag Archives: happiness

Happy New Year from Kimberly!


Hello dear readers and friends!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you a happy new year, and make sure we’re connected via my new social media, as there have been some changes in usernames and such since The Ooh La La Life days.  

Please check out my new website at www.kimberlynovosel.com, where we’re celebrating Health + Happiness month with daily posts about how to make this your best year ever, and subscribe there too!

I so loved getting to know you all here and reading your comments on WordPress.  Please keep in touch!I also have newer accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  

Cheers to an incredible 2014!!


The Happy Ten

I just caught myself doing that thing we call appreciating the small things – without effort! Wow!

What a great way to end the week, right? So I thought I’d share. Here are ten things that made me happy this week. But here’s the rule. Once you read mine, you have to tell me yours.

Ready? Go!

  1. Watching the blue flames under the tea pot.
  2. Running more than 3 miles, which means I’m on my way to my next goal of being able to do 5.
  3. Packing a suitcase!
  4. Watching football.
  5. Hearing my clients say things like, “I can’t wait to start that next project with you!” “You should charge more!” and “We have so much to celebrate!”
  6. Sharing the happiness of a particular man.
  7. Ordering the books for my next French course, which starts Monday.
  8. Seeing Manhattan over the river when I walk to the store.
  9. Pumpkin Spice is at Starbucks. (Heaven forbid I forget that one!)
  10. Writing the script for a wedding ceremony that I’ll perform next month – in MEXICO.

Ok, a deal’s a deal. Your turn: